Canadian Rangers demonstrate water safety training in ice-cold temperatures

Canadian Rangers from Sandy Lake participated in an ice-cold water safety training on February 24th. 

Instructors from the 3rd Canadian Rangers Patrol Group were in Sandy Lake to lead local Canadian Rangers in a demonstration of how to get out of ice and water in the event of a drowning.

13 local Canadian Rangers volunteers suited up to brave the frigid waters as a small group of family and friends watched in support and encouragement.

First Nation communities in Northern Ontario has the highest number of drowning deaths in Canada, according to Peter Moon, Public Relations Officer for the Canadian Rangers.  Moon says this is attributed mainly to the large population of aboriginal people and the weather conditions in the northern communities.

Participants were required to use several different methods of getting themselves out of the water, both on their own and with the help of their peers.  It is the goal of the Canadian Rangers to be proficient using these techniques.

Brigadier-General Jean Collin gave high praise to Chief Adam Fiddler who volunteered to participate in the water safety training exercise calling him "a real trooper".

Sandy Lake Canadian Rangers Private Carmen McPherson, Sargeant Carson Fiddler, and Master Corporal Terrance Meekis prepare to use the dolphin-kick method to get out of the icy waters.

Brigadier-General Jean Collin and Chief Adam Fiddler watch the Rangers before taking their turn.

Private Josh Kakegamic, Master Corporal John Mawakeesic, and a Junior Ranger practice safety rescue techniques as they crawl towards the rescuees in the water.

Clarence Meekis, Glen Kakepetum, Floyd Fiddler, Gloria Keewaycabo, and Corporal Rodney "Japin" Rae hold the safety ropes in the back.