Friday June 11, 2010
Start: 06/07/2010
End: 06/11/2010
XXIX Nishnawbe-Aski Nation (NAN) Keewaywin Conference
Monday, June 7th to Friday, June 11th
Contact: Coordinator Teri Fiddler 774-1335, NAN 1-800-465-9952
Location: Thomas Fiddler Memorial Elementary School
Traditional Treaty Days
Thursday, June 10th, Friday, June 11th and Saturday, June 12th
Location: Ghost Point Cultural and Educational Park
Games and activities for all ages. Concession stands and traditional food available on-site. Fireworks. Portable washrooms.
Saturday June 12, 2010
Start: 06/10/2010
End: 06/12/2010
Traditional Treaty Days
Thursday, June 10th, Friday, June 11th and Saturday, June 12th
Location: Ghost Point Cultural and Educational Park
Games and activities for all ages. Concession stands and traditional food available on-site. Fireworks. Portable washrooms.
Thursday July 01, 2010
Start: 07/01/2010 9:29 am
End: 07/01/2010 9:29 am
Canada celebrations
Radio station will broadcast everything minute of the day
Radio station will broadcast everything minute of the day
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