Sandy Lake Announces Approval of Full Delivery Ontario Works Program

January 17, 2014

Public Announcement to the Community of Sandy Lake First Nation

Update on Ontario Works Full Delivery

We have received approvals for funding for the Full Delivery of Ontario Works (Welfare).

Last January 2013, we sent our clients basic information on Ontario Works and asked them to fill out a questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire was clear that clients were interested in the potential benefits of the program. Basically, Full Delivery of Ontario Works consists of 2 components: (1) Income Support: Financial Assistance (welfare that is given out every 2 weeks); and (2) Employment Support which include things such as: job search, resumes, counselling, education, training, community placement (volunteer), employment placement (on the job training/experience), substance abuse recovery program such as suboxone program supports. We will need to develop partnerships with local organizations, agencies and businesses. We have had some meetings with key organizations and are supportive of the program.

On May 10, 2013, Chief and Council signed a BCR to proceed with Full Delivery of Ontario Works, with a target starting date of August 2013. Developmental work has been ongoing but has been slow due to a number of factors. In early December, we submitted all the required documentation to Ministry of Community and Social Services (Provincial) and Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development of Canada (Federal). On December 3, 2013, MCSS sent their approval letter. On January 6, 2014, AANDC sent their approval letter. We are still trying to determine the cash flow for these approvals.

Based on the submission, our “cost of administration” will receive a substantial increase. Our regular staff will increase from 9 to 23. We will be occupying the new office space in the Link. We will need to order new office furniture/equipment, a new phone system, and new computers for all new staff. We have a lot of work to do in the next few months to implement this new program. Chief and Council have appointed Russell, David, Gabrielle, and Delores to move this program along. Along with existing staff, I believe that we can develop a program that will serve our community well.

In preparation for the new program, we will be hiring additional staff. Some of the new job opportunities include: Financial Assistance Caseworker, Employment Assistance Caseworker, Family Support/Eligibility Review Officer, Finance Clerk, and Receptionist. We are encouraging all interested individuals in applying for these jobs to submit their resumes to the Ontario Works Office as soon as possible. Job descriptions are currently under development. We realize that this is short notice but we have a limited time to get a lot of work done in a short period of time.

If you have questions, please contact us:

David B. Fiddler, Welfare Administrator
Welfare Administration
P.O. Box 12
Sandy Lake, ON P0V 1V0
Phone: 807-774-3421/5121
Fax: 807-774-1040